Saturday, June 6, 2009


What a FUN week to have all my sisters here in St. Johns. Carolyn came last Sat. with her two girls. Sat. night Camille and Sierra had a little accident after taking Chantz up to Eagar. On the way home, they missed the turn to St. Johns and headed towards Show Low. It was their bad luck to hit a deer. They were able to drive the car back to SJ escorted by a police car. The car may be totaled. It has to be towed to a body shop to see if it can be repaired. Sunday evening we all ate dinner at Mom and Dad's. Gary's and Scot's families came for dinner. Sierra and Camille went to EFY in Show Low with the St. Johns kids. Sean, Alec and Spencer went also. Monday, Kirk and Kathi came and stayed a couple of nights. On Tuesday Julie and Linda Picked up Jann from the airport and drove from Tucson. We swam, played card games (especially a new game Carolyn taught us called "Cover Your Assets"), watched movies and "So You Think You Can Dance" with lots of laughter and fun. On Thurs. we all went to the Temple in Snowflake along with Dad and Mom. Craig met us there but was only able to stay one night as he had a show the next evening. Everyone left Sat morning. Christine and Carroll drove Carolyn and her girls to Flagstaff where they met Paul. Linda and Julie took Jann to Phoenix to catch a plane. Now I am going to take a nap because I stayed up so late finishing a wedding cake for today. I missed out on some of the fun because I had to work on the cake.


The Chambers said...

HOW FUN! It sounds like it was a busy week, but so worth it! That's awesome that all the sisters got to get together...much needed I'm sure. I love this family. It's perfect. Everyone looks great in the picture! I wish I could have been there to see everyone, I haven't seen Aunt Jann and Aunt Carolyn in moons! I miss everyone. You need to post a picture of the cake! I can't wait to see it. When I'm graduated and have kids and you come to stay with me, we will have to make some...I want to pick it up. LOVE YOU!!!! I'm going swimming now!

Todd, Lara, Aubrey, and Graham said...

How fun! Sounds like you guys have been busy up there. No wonder I haven't heard from my parents in a while, you guys are having too much fun.

Jann said...

You win the prize for the first one to post. It was so fun to be together. I cried when we drove away from mom and dad's house. It is so hard to leave not knowing when I will be back. Also knowing it will be a long time before I am. It was so fun to watch you create the cake. You do such a beautiful job with it. I love you.